For FACEBOOK GROUP. If you haven't joined yet, please, we would love to have you !
- Exerts from, Garret B. Gundersons / Book, "Killing Sacred Cows" -
* Here are some questions to ask yourself that will aid in the discovery of your Soul Purpose:
> If money were of no concern, what would you spend your time doing ?
> What would be so exciting that you would want to jump out of bed early each morning to get to it.
> What strengths, abilities, skills, or advantages do you feel you bring to the table that could be utilized to create maximum value in the marketplace ?
> In what areas do you have superior skill and extreme passion ?
> What things could you do all day long, without thought of fatigue, or what could you do that would create energy ?
> What do you do that brings compliments ?
> What causes are worthy of your life ?
> What activities offer you the most fulfillment ?
> If you were doing exactly what you wanted, what would that be ?
> What are your priorities ?
> What are your values ?
> What opportunities or circumstances do you currently have that may be helpful in creating value for others ?
> What people do you know who have tremendous success, knowledge, and ability ? What do they do ? How do they think ? What can you learn from them ?
Be Blessed !
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